Getting Started with Spinbal:

Spinbal Explainer and Review:

 Cymbal Stand Compatibility:

Using Wing Nuts with Spinbal:

  • Spinbal is intended for professional-grade 8mm straight cymbal stands.
    • The force of a spinning cymbal will increase risk of stands toppling; use strong stands only.
    • Thin, antique or damaged cymbal stands are not advised.
    • Spinbal is not intended for hanging cymbal stands or hi-hat stands.
    • Make sure stand is secure and/or legs are spread wide so as to provide a strong base.
      • Remove any existing cymbal holders, felts, washers, wing nuts, mounts and any possible debris (dust, residue, rust, etc).
      • Place Spinbal bearing-side-down on the cymbal stand with the felt washer facing up.
      • Spinbal will theoretically work with any style cymbal but we ask you to please use common sense in making your selection:
        • Do not use cracked or damaged cymbals and regularly check cymbals for damage before using Spinbal.
        • Use caution with non-circular cymbals: Vented, cross-shaped, star-shaped, effect or heavily-profiled cymbals are potentially dangerous when spinning.
        • The larger and heavier the cymbal, the longer the spin time. The smaller and lighter the cymbal, the shorter the spin time.
        • Spinbal will increase spin-time generally. For example: Splash cymbals are likely to yield shorter spin times yet a 24” ride could potentially spin for well over 15 minutes.
        • Spinbal is generally intended for use with larger crash and ride cymbals.
        • Do not angle a Spinbal-mounted cymbal past 25-35 degrees.
          • Spinball is not intended for extreme-angle cymbal mounting.
          • Spinbal performs optimally without wing nuts or top felts for maximum vibrational response.
            • If you would like to use wing nuts for additional security, use locking wing nut and provide ample room for Spinbal to spin freely. This is advised for beginners and heavy hitters.
            • Generic, non-locking wing nuts (especially heavily used ones) may eventually become flush with the spinning Spinbal and will ultimately stop the spinning.
            • Top felts are advised if you use a wing nut.
            • If you spin counter-clockwise, your wing nut won't tighten and restrict the Spinbal bearings.
            • Before spinning the cymbal be aware that there is no break to slow it down.
              • Unlike a stationary cymbal, ‘choking’ a fast spinning cymbal with your hands is potentially dangerous.
              • Try using sticks, brushes, mallets and the like to slow spinning.
            • Start slowly and find an even, moderate speed.
              • Although you may feel the urge to spin your cymbal as hard as you can, it's unnecessary and potentially dangerous. General rule: If the stand is visibly wobbling, you've likely spun the cymbal too hard. Please get to know how your cymbals react to spinning and adjust accordingly. Please educate those around you to potential dangers.
              • Spinbal is not intended for young children. Use at your own risk. Be smart, be safe. Most importantly, enjoy!

            Quick Tips:

            • You’ll notice a subtle Doppler vibrato effect from a spinning cymbal.
              • Experiment with different angles to control the length of the vibrato, time the tremolo.

              • You'll notice that when striking a spinning cymbal there is potential for stick rebounds to be forced in the direction the cymbal’s rotation.
                • If your grip and position are parallel with the spinning direction, this effect disappears: Play directly into (or out of) the spin to get a clean rebound.
                • Playing in a sympathetic direction can also increase the length of the spin, or even start it.
              • Spinbal, like drumsticks, will eventually need to be replaced:
                • Bearings have varying lifespans that depend on environmental conditions and usage.
                • Generally, a Spinbal should perform optimally somewhere between the life of a pair of drumsticks and that of your drum heads, depending on your frequency and ferocity of use.

                Fun Facts:

                • Spinning cymbals are generally slightly quieter than stationary cymbals.
                • Spinning cymbals create drafts in the surrounding air, resulting in a cool breeze.
                • Even if you never actively spin your cymbals, using Spinbal will randomize where you strike them.
                  • This can potentially extend the life of your cymbal collection and/or help prevent ‘keyhole-ing’ (abnormal inner circle shapes brought about by repetitive friction).
                • Spinning cymbals, like hand-held fidget-spinners, have calming and soothing effects that have the potential to aid in learning, increase focus, relax and quell stress.
                • Spinbal can help you clean, polish and analyze your cymbal collection:
                  • Exploit the spinning motion to garner an even and professional-looking detail job.
                  • Spin cymbals to identify potential profile unevenness or production errors so as to evaluate the condition of your existing or prospective collections.
                • Our logo is in fact a suggested note design for cymbal spinning:

                You'll need a symbol for this kind of cymbal!



                Contact: or call BridgeSet Sound (267) 507-4350